Newport Landing
Newport Landing
400 Main Street
Newport Beach
United States
Tel: (949) 675-0551
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Business Information
Serving the greater Los Angeles area providing whale watching and deep sea fishing excursions year round. Daveys Locker is located approximately 40 minutes from downtown Los Angeles and just minutes from most of Orange County located in Newport Beach. Departing from a natural harbor, Daveys Locker is the most popular option for those considering whale watching in southern California. Thousands of whales viewed each season and beautiful coastline combines to make a world renowned whale watching destination. The same pristine habitat that draws whales and dolphin supports amazing inshore and offshore fisheries year round. Along with general admission whale watching and deep sea fishing excursions, Daveys Locker provides charter fishing boats, and private boat rentals for fishing and whale watching excursions for all size groups. For more information for whale watching Los Angeles visitors check out our whale watching partner Newport Landing Whale Watching.
Opening Times
Mon-Sun 7am-7pm
Mon-Sun 7am-7pm
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