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Beacon & Bridge Market
Beacon & Bridge Market
401 East Superior Street
United States
Tel: (989) 463-6304
Business type:
We are a family-owned business in Flint, MI that stands by its motto, Michigan-Made. Founded by CEO Bob Eastman in 1969, Beacon & Bridge has gone through major transformations to become one of the top convenience store chains in the great state of Michigan. Bob Eastman has taken his vision and spread it throughout the state of Michigan, reaching as far south as Holly and as far north as Frederic, with 25 locations.
Opening Times
05:00AM - 11:30PMTue
05:00AM - 11:30PMWed
05:00AM - 11:30PMThu
05:00AM - 11:30PMFri
05:00AM - 11:30PMSat
05:00AM - 11:30PMSun
05:00AM - 11:30PMServices:
food and refreshments, gas station with loyalty program, drinks and refreshments, quality fuels, gas station promotions, gas station, convenience store
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