Archangel Tactics
Archangel Tactics
United States
Tel: (805) 914-4328
Business type:
10% Discount Clients Exclusing CCW.
Business Information
As a young Marine, Martin Rudzinski, fell in love with competitive shooting and became a competitive shooter in both National Rifle Association (NRA) and USMC service matches. As his skill levels increased, was selected to train and become a primary marksmanship and counter terrorism tactics instructor for USMC throughout his twenty (20) years of service. Archangel Tactics founded in 2004 with certifications from Phoenix University as a firearms agency instructor and certifications from the NRA to instruct in the following courses: basic home firearm safety, basic pistol, basic rifle, and basic shotgun. Mr. Rudzinski is also a certified instructor for the concealed carry weapon course for Ventura County. He began teaching firearms training in Camarillo in 2007 utilizing shooter’s paradise indoor range and West Thompson’s outdoor range. Mr. Rudzinski works with all age ranges of students from six years old to ninety (90) years young utilizing thirty-five (35) years of marksmanship instruction. Martin Rudzinski tries to pass his love of competitive shooting and home defense training to all of his students.
Opening Times
Mon-Sun Closed (Hours by appointment only, one on one training!)
Mon-Sun Closed (Hours by appointment only, one on one training!)
Payment Methods Accepted
Cash, Check
Cash, Check
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